8th Grade Dance
![]() As you may know, the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics have been revised based on a formal review and evaluation process as directed by an Executive Order from the Governor. The review and evaluation process included several survey opportunities as well as legislative and Georgia State Board of Education listening sessions. Survey feedback was collected and analyzed by the University System of Georgia. The University System of Georgia provided survey results and recommendations for revisions to the standards to the State Board of Education on September 24, 2014. A Working Committee representing K-12 Georgia public school teachers, post-secondary staff, parents, and instructional leaders from across the state made revisions to the standards based on public feedback and recommendations from survey results for standards with less than 90% approval. ELA and Mathematics Advisory Committees then reviewed the recommended changes made by the Working Committees and provided additional suggestions for clarity and change based on feedback and survey recommendations. Business and Industry partners that include the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, Georgia Public Broadcasting, and Georgia Power have been involved in the review and evaluation process. An Academic Review Committee consisting of representatives from the writing and advisory committees; the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement; and the Georgia Department of Education leadership staff reviewed and finalized the draft revised standards for presentation to the State Board of Education for permission to post for 60 days of public review and comment. Note: There were some recommendations made by survey respondents that committee members felt would be more appropriate for inclusion in the Teacher Guidance documents developed by the Georgia Department of Education for each grade/course and subject. Other recommendations to be emphasized in Guidance and Professional Learning include: phonics instruction, cursive writing, literature and informational text, traditional computing methods, and the memorization of addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. The survey will be posted for 60 days of public review and comment from November 12, 2014, through January 10, 2015. The draft revised standards and public feedback will be presented to the Georgia State Board of Education on January 15, 2015, for approval. Use the following link for access to the revised ELA and Mathematics Standards and surveys for feedback. Pl https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Pages/Proposed-English-Language-Arts-and-Mathematics-Standards-Kindergarten-through-High-School.aspx Thank you in advance for your review and feedback. Follow us on Twitter: @gadoenews and @drjohnbarge Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gadoe
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